
Back 2 School

Homeschool edition

By Dana Dudley July 25, 2024

Going back to school for homeschool is just as fun, if not MORE fun than going back to a traditional school setting! Things may not look exactly the same, but let’s shake it up a bit and make the first day back extra special! 


Turn your school area into PARTY CENTRAL!  Balloons, streamers and artwork your students have made will make them feel super special and excited about starting a New year! 

Treasure Hunt

Draw a map (or just give clues) of your school area and have your students go on a wild goose chase to find all their new school supplies for the year! 

Special Breakfast

They say the most important meal of the day is breakfast- so the first breakfast of the year must be the most important meal of the YEAR! Right?! Get your kids to help you whip up some super food to start the year off right! 

        We like:

  • Synonym Toast Crunch
  • Toad in a hole
  • Smart smoothies 
  • Big brain burritos

All About Me

We want to know all about YOU and YOUR STUDENTS!! This can be a fill in the blank, poster, art project or questionnaire-however you want to portray yourself,the sky is the limit!! 

        PRO TIP: Make one at the end of the year and see how you’ve changed! 

Set a School Year Theme

Come up with a theme of the year and on all the special days (holiday, birthdays etc) celebrate “on theme”! 

School Spirit

Get your students more involved! Get them to vote on school colors, crests, flag and song!! This should provide them with enough materials for arts and crafts all year! 


If your family is part of a homeschooling co op, make things interesting! Divide the classes into groups and “compete” for prizes! Much like the “house cup” in Harry Potter, this willdrum up some competition and keep the students engaged in school activities throughout the year!