
Back 2 School

10 Tips to Prepare your Kids

By Dana Dudley July 25, 2024

Even though the temperatures are saying otherwise, Summer is quickly coming to an end! Try these tips to help the whole family get back in the swing of things BEFORE the first day of school!!

1. Take the kids shopping for their own school supplies to help get them excited for the upcoming year!

 2. Read! This isn’t just a tip to go back to school, just READ ALL THE TIME! *Reading or telling a story before bed will help your little ones calm down and you can send them off to dreamland with their friends they met between the pages! 

3. Routines are crucial- especially for our elementary aged kids! Wake up, breakfast, nap, dinner, bath, story, bed! Life is so much easier when these things are done around the same time every day- it keeps their internal clocks programmed! 

4. Play games! Education through play is such an integral part of our children’s learning path! Games like Scrabble, Uno and Simon Says touch on different aspects of learning to keep your child well rounded! 

5. Set time aside for NO SCREENS! This time could be used for homework once school starts! For our family NO SCREEN time is easiest in the afternoon around the time my kids would be getting home from school! If they don’t have homework, this is a great time for them to be “bored”! Just let the creativity flow!

6. Talk about school! Get them excited! Talk about friends, teachers, classes and other opportunities! 

7. Set GOALS! The star system works best for us! After a goal (chores, kindness, grades etc) is met, we choose a reward out of a jar!!

8. Make a calendar! 

9. Hit your school’s open house! Take your kids to meet their teachers and new friends, see where the classrooms are and ease the first day jitters! 

10. Back to school = Germ City! Stock up on sanitizer, tissues, Lysol, antibacterial EVERYTHING!! Let’s try to avoid bringing or spreading the ICK by any means necessary!!